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PeKa B40

Skim Peduli Kesihatan for the B40 group or PeKa B40 is a Government initiative via the Ministry of Health which aims to sustain the healthcare needs of low income groups by focusing on non-communicable diseases (NCDs). 

PeKa B40 is offered to Malaysian citizens in the bottom 40% household income range, also known as the B40 group.

Recipients of the Sumbangan Tunai Rahmah (STR) and their spouses aged 40 and above are automatically eligible for PeKa B40. No special registration is required to join PeKa B40.

Who Eligible For This Scheme

PeKa B40 Benefits

Health Screening

At MOH clinics or private clinics

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Health Aid

Up to RM20,000 of health item value

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Completing Cancer Treatment Incentive

Worth RM1,000

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Transport Incentive

Up to RM1,000

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Procedure for Availing of the Benefits of PeKa B40

Step 1 : Check your eligibility.

Step 2 : If deemed eligible, visit the nearest PeKa B40 clinic, which can be identified by the PeKa B40 icon , and make sure to bring your MyKad.

Step 3 : A medical checkup will be performed during your first visit to the clinic.

Step 4 : A second visit to find out laboratory test results from the doctor, as well as follow-up action, i.e. either referral to one of MOH Facility, or MOH’s Healthy and Active Program (Program Sihat Cergas).

Info for General Practitioners

  • No MCO/TPA involvement
  • No registration or retainer fees
  • No fee-splitting between GPs and laboratories
  • No payment to laboratory required. Consumables will be provided by the registered laboratories.
  • No need to purchase special IT systems
  • Potential to gain new clients
  • Helps the low-income B40 group
  • Involvement is voluntary
  • First Visit: History taking, physical examination, blood & urine collection;
  • Second Visit: Consultation to review laboratory results and provide a referral if necessary.
  • Patient’s History
    • Medical and Surgical History
    • Family History
    • Social History
    • Screening of Symptoms and Risk Factors
    • Screening of Mental Health Symptoms
  • Physical Examination
    • Weight, Height, BMI (automatic calculation);
    • Vital signs
    • General Examination & Systemic Examination
    • Clinical Breast Examination (CBE)
    • Digital Rectal Examination (DRE) (if indicated)
  • Laboratory Tests
    • Full Blood Count
    • Renal Profile with estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR)
    • HbA1c
    • Random Lipid Profile
    • Urine Biochemistry
  • Clinics are free to choose whichever laboratory as long as it is registered
  • There are no transactions between clinics and laboratories.
  • The laboratory will provide consumables for specimen collection.
  • The laboratory will collect specimens from the clinic.
  • Results of tests will be uploaded to the database by the laboratory.
  • Laboratories that are registered (as of now):
    • BP Lab
    • Clinipath
    • Gribbles
    • Pantai Premier
    • Pathlab
    • Innoquest Diagnostics
  • First Visit: Direct payment to Clinic – RM 40
  • Second Visit : Direct payment to Clinic – RM 20
  • Based on the following authorisation:
    • Table 7 of the 2006 Regulations of Private Healthcare Facilities and Services (Private Medical Clinics or Private Dental Clinics) – the Private Healthcare Facilities and Services Act 1998
  • Payment will be made twice a month.
  1. Clinic must have ‘Borang B’ or ‘F.’
  2. Clinic must be registered as ‘General Private Clinic.’
  3. Clinics registered as ‘Specialist Private Clinic’ and ‘Private General Medical Clinic with Aesthetic Services as area of interest,’ are exempted from participating in this pioneer project for now.
  4. Medical Practitioners (Officer Incharge) must be registered with the Malaysian Medical Council (MMC).
  5. Medical Practitioners (Officer Incharge) must possess a valid Annual Practicing Certificate (APC).
  6. Clinic facility must be equipped with a telephone line, Internet access, computers and printers.

Clinic registration must be made in the name of the “Person Incharge” as stated in the Certificate of Registration of Clinic. Documents that need to be uploaded are:

  • Certificate of registration to conduct a private clinic (Borang B or Borang F)
  • Certificate of full registration with the MMC for the person in charge
  • Annual Practicing Certificate for the person in charge (latest APC)
  • Bank account proof

Disclaimer :

  • Should there be a violation of the declaration, the agreement with the clinic shall be terminated.
  1. Click ‘Register My Clinic Now’ button below.
  2. Read the Terms & Conditions and select ‘Agree’.
  3. Fill in the online form.
  4. Upload the required documents into the system
  5. ProtectHealth will review and approve the application
  6. Once approved, the GP will receive an email notification with a link to formalise the registration
  7. After registering, download e-LOA from the system and sign the Declaration of Acceptance
  8.  Upload the signed Declaration of Acceptance into the system

  1. This sticker will be provided by ProtectHealth once you have been accepted as ProtectHealth Partner
  2. Please display this sticker on the main entrance of your clinic so that recipients of PeKa B40 may identify your clinic as a PeKa B40 clinic. 

PeKa B40 Briefing & Training Dates (2024)

Benefit 1 : Free Health Screening

  • Recipients must undergo Health Screening (Benefit 1) in order to be eligible for Health Aid (Benefit 2), Completing Cancer Treatment Incentive (Benefit 3), and Transport Incentive (Benefit 4).
  • Health screening may be performed by doctors at any MOH clinic and private clinic registered with PeKa B40.
  • Health screening includes:
    • medical history taking, noting of individual and family ailments, including risk factors
    • mental health screening
    • physical examination
    • clinical breast examination for female recipients, and clinical prostate examination for male recipients who are at risk
    • blood and urine tests
  • Blood and urine specimens will be obtained and sent to the laboratory for the following tests – blood cell test, blood sugar control test, cholesterol test, kidney function test, and urine test.
  • Benefit recipients do not need to fast to undergo those tests.
  • Benefit recipients will not be charged for undergoing physical examinations and laboratory tests under this PeKa B40 package.
  • Should recipients require treatment, they may be referred to a Klinik Kesihatan (government clinic), or, if they agree to be treated at a Private Clinic, recipients must bear the cost of said treatment themselves. For now, the PeKa B40 scheme does not
    include any treatment or medication cost.

Benefit 2: Health Aid

  • This benefit covers medical equipment that is required in procedures/ treatments and is not subsidised in MOH hospitals.
  • A maximum of RM20,000 is given to the recipients in the form of purchased medical equipment.
  • Benefit 2 includes medical equipment in the following categories:
    • Stents for the heart
    • Artificial joint equipment
    • Hearing aid devices
    • Heart pacemakers
    • Prostheses and implants for the spine
    • Prostheses and orthoses for the limb bones
    • Intraocular lenses
    • Breathing therapy equipment and oxygen concentrator
    • Nutritional support assistance
    • Wheelchairs
  • Health Screening (Benefit 1) must be performed first before recipients of PeKa B40 may avail themselves of this benefit.
  • This benefit only applies when recipients of PeKa B40 are treated in MOH hospitals, whereby the application must be made by MOH medical specialists on behalf of the patients who are recipients of PeKa B40.
  • The approval depends on the price range for each medical equipment’s category.

Benefit 3 : Completing Cancer Treatment Incentive

  • Benefit 3 is intended to encourage cancer patients, especially those in the early stages of treatment and disease, to complete their treatment plan as laid out by MOH cancer specialists.
  • RM1,000 is paid to cancer patients who complete their treatment at MOH hospitals.
  • Health Screening (Benefit 1) must be performed first before recipients of PeKa B40 may avail themselves of this benefit.
  • Payment of incentive is divided into two (2) parts
    • RM300 will be paid once the beneficiary started his/her cancer treatment.
    • RM700 will be paid after cancer treatment has been completed.
  • Payment of incentive is made directly to all eligible recipients of PeKa B40 via their registered bank accounts.
  • Application and proof of eligibility for Benefit 3 must be made by a doctor or MOH specialist on behalf of patients who are recipients of PeKa B40.

Benefit 4 : Transport Incentive

  • This benefit aims to alleviate the burden of paying for transportation whenever recipients have to travel to receive treatment at MOH hospitals. It is not meant to cover the entire journey’s cost.
  • Only recipients of Benefit 2 (Health Aid) and/ or Benefit 3 (Completing Cancer Treatment Incentive) are entitled to this transport cost incentive.
  • The maximum amount of assistance that can be received:
    • RM500 for Peninsular Malaysia
    • RM1,000 for Sabah/ Sarawak/ Labuan
  • The amount of incentive given is subject to the distance between the hospital and the recipient’s home based on a predetermined rate.
  • Application and proof of eligibility for Benefit 4 must be made by a Medical Social Worker or medical officer responsible for treating the patient.
  • Payment of incentive is made directly to the recipient via their registered bank accounts.