The Hospital Services Outsourcing Programme (HSOP) is an initiative by the Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH) to improve healthcare accessibility and quality. Starting from 18 July 2024, HSOP will outsource patients from MOH hospitals to private healthcare facilities (referred to as Panel Providers). This program aims to reduce patient congestion, shorten waiting times, and enhance healthcare service quality.
By leveraging the capacity and expertise of private healthcare providers, HSOP will ensure patients receive timely access to necessary treatments and services.
HSOP aims to alleviate the burden on public hospitals by outsourcing patients to private facilities, freeing up resources and improving overall efficiency.
With reduced patient loads, public hospitals can focus on improving and expanding other essential healthcare services, thereby elevating the overall quality of care.
Patients are referred to HSOP from public MOH hospitals based on their medical needs and the availability of services at private facilities.
HSOP liaises with private healthcare providers to schedule appointments and ensure seamless patient transfer and service delivery.
HSOP aims to alleviate the burden on public hospitals by outsourcing patients to private facilities, freeing up resources and improving overall efficiency.
HSOP provides patients with improved access to quality healthcare services, reducing waiting times and improving overall patient outcomes.
Private healthcare providers can contribute to the national healthcare system while expanding their reach and patient base through HSOP.
HSOP promotes the efficient use of healthcare resources, allowing public hospitals to focus on more complex cases while private facilities handle routine treatments.
The patient journey will offer a structured pathway for selected patients to access healthcare services. This process involves referrals from MOH hospitals to designated Private Healthcare Facilities & Services and Private Medical Centers under the University Teaching Hospital (Panel Providers), ensuring a seamless transition and continuity of care.
We are pleased to announce that the Hospital Services Outsourcing Programme (HSOP) has commenced on 18 July 2024! This programme involves the outsourcing of patients from MOH Hospitals to Private Healthcare Facilities & Services and Private Medical Centers under the University Teaching Hospital (Panel Providers).
For this implementation, Person-In-Charge (PIC) both from the Ministry of Health (MOH) and Panel Providers have full access to the Hospital Services Outsourcing System (HSOS). To ensure seamless execution of the HSOP, ProtectHealth will be organizing Open Day sessions for both MOH and Panel Providers.
If you require any assistance or have questions, please feel free to contact our support team at [email protected] or 03-86872525.
Thank you for your support and cooperation.